I'm amazed by the recovery my little orange tabby foster kitten is making after being attacked by the raccoon. This morning he climbed the stairs by himself, and tonight he has been purring and rubbing his poor injured head against me.This picture shows him AFTER the swelling has gone down; he looked so terrible yesterday that the children were unable to bring themselves to look at him (and indeed it was pretty hard for me to administer his eye medicine; I didn't want to touch the top of his head, where his poor skull has a little crack, but I needed to hold his head still). (I would never traumatize y'all by showing you something like what he looked like at his worst; that was the stuff of nightmares. I was the only one in the family willing to touch the poor, gory baby).
The ordeal seems to have bonded him to me; he fusses sometimes until he finds me, and he purrs ecstatically (although the poor mite must still have a horrendous headache; I have a painkiller for him, but I can only give it to him once a day). I really admire this little animal's proud spirit and the warmth of his personality. He's a pretty amazing little cat.
this one might be a keeper.
holey moley, how awful! the poor little thing. he is truly fortunate to have you in his corner.
looks like sober husband is in for another fight.
I'm glad the poor baby is doing so well!
poor baby kitty!
He's a keeper absolutely.
He's used up more than one life and yet he's still reaching out to be near you. That's one smart and strong kitty.
Does he get a name and maybe a home for this?
Quote from my daughter, "Is whoever wrote that going to keep him??
Oh, so easy for her to say. She wants to know how's he doing?
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