Today the baby took a turn for the worse. After we returned from a family outing of riding bikes in Golden Gate Park, I tried to tempt the little convalescent's appetite with some Fancy Feast. He declined to eat, while his siblings went insane with canned food-lust. I took a closer look. His little shaved head had become swollen. Evidently his surgical drain is not working.
I called the head of my kitten rescue, who in turn called the vet. The vet said that since this is a seroma, not an abscess, it's not an emergency which needs to be treated today. I should myself try to flush out the surgical drain with warm water (I am NOT looking forward to doing that. I am the kitten torturer all too often, with my eight year-old Iris Uber Alles as my assistant. The Sober Husband wants nothing to do with all this). If the kitten is still not wanting to eat and listless tomorrow, then he'll need to go back to the veterinary emergency room, since it's Labor Day Weekend. That means more out-of-pocket vet bills, sigh, but the head of the kitten rescue offered to put this round on her personal credit card.
Meanwhile here we are thrilled by the outpouring of support from the Drunken Housewife readership. We currently have pledges of $205, and we're hoping to raise another $195 to cover his vet bills. If I take him back to the E.R., I'll hope to raise more money to compensate the rescue. Anything I receive over what I'm directly out of pocket will go to the kitten rescue, a registered 501(c)(3).
Help pay the poor bald baby's bills! Get a fabulous Sponsor's Package in return! Keep the Drunken Housewife married and in the kitten rescue business!
good work. i was glad to do what i could. thankfully he will be better tomorrow (why is tomorrow labor day weekend??). at least the kitty person is willing to contribute!
all my love to you both!
i would love to donate but will have to wait til student loans come in. best of luck to the kitty.
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