Saturday, April 07, 2007

heard today

Seven year-old Iris Uber Alles, a propos of nothing as we were strolling along the neon-lit boardwalk of Santa Cruz: "Mom, are you interested in internet safety?"

Anton, singing to himself, "I am forty, going on forty-one" (after watching part of "The Sound of Music")

"D'oh! D'oh! D'oh! D'oh!" loudly said by Lola to herself as she skipped along. "It sounds like a slender Homer Simpson is about," I observed, and she corrected me. "I AM Homer Simpson."

"I wish the television was in charge of me," said Iris earnestly. "I would really go to bed when it told me."


hughman said...

i love the sound of music. i guess that makes you "ralph", the soldier?

2amsomewhere said...

"I wish the television was in charge of me," said Iris earnestly. "I would really go to bed when it told me."

How 'bout that? A would-be world dominatrix who dreams of living under the rule of Big Brother. Iris' capacity for irony seems to have no bounds!