Sunday, July 14, 2013

we will stay until the end

Recently I heard about an experimental theatre performance taking place on the beach.  A number of plays will be staged in one evening, with the participants meeting outdoors and being led around to the plays.  The performers are from New York, flying out for this event, and I'm not sure if they realize how chilly it is going to be at night on a beach in San Francisco during our "summer."  I signed us up to attend, though, as we all love the theatre.  Bonus:  Iris can get extra credit at her school for attending plays over the summer.

Reminding the Sober Husband about this outing, I said, "Of course, we can leave early if it sucks."  But! Lola has never forgotten the one blissful evening she saw an experimental theatre troupe and did not like this crazy talk of slipping out.  "We are staying until the end.  Even if it is terrible.  We will stay until everything is done.  We will see everything there is to see.  Even if it is terrible," decreed the little theatre devotee.    She went on in this rather repetitive vein for some time, with relish.  "If someone has a heart attack, too bad; we stay!"  I began to wonder if she hoped this performance would tank.


hughman said...

Well now I'm kind of hoping this performance tanks just so we get to hear great stories about Lola's impassioned campaign to stay!

the Drunken Housewife said...

There may be a sibling issue here. Iris didn't like the experimental theatre, and Lola did, so seeing more experimental theatre -- and staying until the bitter end-- may be aimed at punishing Iris.

hughman said...

Well I am just shocked - SHOCKED - that this would be a motive.


the Drunken Housewife said...

She just brought it up again. "If someone has a heart attack, too bad; we stay until the end!" I forgot she'd said that yesterday as well. Child is bloodthirsty!