Saturday, October 01, 2011

International Day of the Lola

Unbelievable as it may sound, Lola turns nine today. As the Sober Husband said mournfully, "She's halfway to eighteen."

All praise the Queen of the Passive-Aggressives (as beloved commenter Silliyak once dubbed her)!


Silliyak said...

"Beloved"? REALLY? I'm touched, also forgetful, I don't remember writing that.

the Drunken Housewife said...

I remember your wit better than you do. I quoted you the other day, when I was describing on the phone a really spectacularly insensitive thing the Sober Husband said to me, and I used a comment you once left, "It's so special to have a spouse who always knows the right thing to say, like a Hallmark card."

Jen in VA said...

Happy Birthday to Lola!!